Short Story


Possibility; My Greatest Fear

The night secretes the sky in a cimmerian mask. This mask, faceless. But imagining it, I see it has only one distinctive feature; a grotesque grimace, ready to haunt.
I am afraid of the dark. I guess that has already been established. It used to be a theory of mine, what darkness really is. But now I am as sure as hell that it is truly a matter of fact…
The darkness bares a certain power. A power that any villain, any criminal, any monster can possess. It’s basically handed to them. They want to go unseen, want the next best thing from invisibility? Access granted. They seize the night, because it of all things conceals. Anything can happen in the night that you won’t know of. And it will leave you with the question of “who?”-or what.
So when they say “things go bump in the night”, they are telling the truth! I stay in my closest through the night only to eliminate that common conviction of monsters and closets. I keep the windows shut and locked, gated on the outsides with bars of iron, even on the steamiest of nights. Hell-no to see-threw curtains; can’t imagine what kind of creatures cast those terrible, contorted shadows. Titanium chain locks on the doors-no peepholes of course! My pantry is stalked to the ceiling with pepper spray. My blanket is bulletproof, and so are my pyjamas. I haven’t seen my reflection in 24 years because I am terrified of even just the thought of looking in a mirror. How could someone do such a thing as to look into a reflective piece of glass and find someone standing behind you, even if it were just your shadow. Don’t even get me started on my shadow. I despise the retched thing, following me all day, casting out what little light I have left in my life. Scary things don’t just happen in the movies, they are all possibilities. And I am gravely afraid of possibility.

I live by myself. My mother tells me to get married soon, and that I have a problem. That I have nothing to be afraid of but myself. And that is why I’ve never been able to be close to her-or anyone really. Never close enough to tell them that I keep a 12-inch rifle in my underwear drawer.
You never know what the night could bring to your 20th-floor apartment.

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